Computer as a Machine


A computer is an electronic machine that can accept data, process and produce an information very fast, accurate and more efficiently.

Description of computer as input - process  - output system:

The computer takes in data through the input unit, process the data in the central processing unit, stores the process data in the main memory and produces the information through the output unit example printer and/or monitor.

The term data means raw facts like figures obtained from national population census or school enrollment. Processing means execution, sorting and calculation while information is the output.


a complete computer set has the following parts put together. They are referred to as computer peripherals.

1. The system unit
2. The monitor
3. The keyboard
4. The mouse and mousepad
5. The printer
6. Speakers


System unit: the system unit is the central processing unit, motherboard etc. The system is enclosed by the unit casing. It houses is CPU which is  subdivided into three main parts namely: 

A. The control unit
B. The arithmetic and logical unit and
C. The memory unit

- The monitor: it is also called visual display unit. It has fluorescent screen for easy display of information. It looks like the television screen.  Monitor can be classified into:

A. Monochrome or black and white monitor
B. Colour on graphic monitor
C. Liquid crystal display monitor

Monochrome monitor displays information in black-and-white and colour monitor has different colours and it is the best in displaying graphic designs.

- The keyboard: the computer keyboard consist of four parts: alphabet,numeric, special or control,functional and directional or arrow keys.

- The mouse: the mouse is a small handheld pointing device that is moved on the table surface. It has three buttons left, middle and right buttons.

- The printer: computer printers looks like a photocopy machine. Printers are generally classified into impact and non-impact printer.

- The speaker: the speaker serves as a loudspeakers in the electronic device they help operators to listen to sound, words, music,songs produced by the computer. it is an output unit.


The functions of the various parts of the computer are described earlier in this chapter:

A. Input units, Functions of the keyboard:
      1. It serves as an input device
      2. Used to execute commands and enter data
     3. Used to give space between two words
     4. Used to reprogram a particular application or initiate actions.

B. Functions of the mouse
     1. It is an input device used to control the  cursor
     2. It helps in selecting command on menus on the screen.
     3. it is used to control programs education by selecting options and activating it.
    4. it can also be used to execute some keyboard functions
    5. To maximize or minimise windows.

C. Functions of the joystick
     1. It is used in playing computer games
     2. used to move the direction of control units such as making a toy car to turn right or left on the visual display unit.
    3. It is used to change the movement of objects on a screen.
    4. It is an input device.

D. Function of the scanners:
     1. It is an input device
     2. It serves that photocopying device
     3. it serves as a means of copying images or characters and pictures into the system

E. Function of the central processing unit:
     1. It serves as a warehouse for data processing
    2. It stores and retrieves data in files
     3. The control unit  carries message and signals to and from all the units of a computer system
    4. It takes signals from include unit to the memory where data are being processed
    5.  It aids and execute arithmetic operations
     6. It executes logic operations

F.  Function of the monitor:
   1. It displays information stored in the computer memory.
   2. It makes the words, graphics, pictures for the operators to see
   3. It is used in watching computer videos and games
    4. It is used as a viewing device.

G. Functions of printer:
     1. It is an output device
     2. it helps in production of hard copy of the information
      3. You transfer information in computer memory to paper
      4. It serves as a photocopier with scanner


A. Functions of the tape drives
     1. it is used to transfer data from one computer system to the other
     2. do you use to store large volume of data which can be used in the future
     3. It is used to import computer programs
      4. Which helps in computer housekeeping when the memory is filled

B. Functions of hard disk
     1. It acts as Warehouse for the computer
     2. It helps operators to read and write from and to the immovable magnetic media at a fast rate
    3. Which store large volume of data
     4. It is a storage device

C. Function of floppy disks and flash drives
    1. Used in copying information from one system to the other
    2. It is used to store data which can be used in the future
     3. It helps in reducing space of the hard dicks when data are copied out


1. Computers are used for typing letters and memos
2. Computers are used for playing games
3. Computers are used for graphic designs
4. Computers are used for funny poetries
5. Computers are used to store and send information


Here are some of the qualities and characteristics of a computer. They are as follows:

1. Accuracy
2. Spain
3. Storage
4. Consistency
5. Versatile
6. Calculations


In summary we have been able to see all about the computer you were also need to understand that the computer is an electronic device that can access that are stored data and change data into useful information.

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